Product Details

> Coil Spring Compressor
Coil Spring Compressor

Coil Spring Compressor

Type: ST-CSC5

Coil Spring Compressor

Compresses coil springs for installation and removal of springs and spacers. Strong steel jaws securely hook into coil spring. Fits most American and some imported cars and light trucks. Does not work on AMC and Ford with upper coil spring. Wear safety goggles.

 ST-CSC5: 270mm

ST-CSC6: 370mm

How to Use the Coil Spring Compressor Tool
1. Turn the bolt-screw at the top of the spring compressor tool until the lips of each clamp is wide enough apart to grasp the coils of the spring.
2. Install each part of the two-part spring compression tool on opposite sides of the spring so that, when tightened, they will evenly compress the spring on both sides.
3. Tighten the spring compressor tools, by turning the bolt-screw at the top, until they have even tension on the spring from both sides. Make sure the tools clamps have securely grasped the coils of the spring and that they both have a similar amount of tension.
4. Use a ratchet wrench and socket set to loosen any bolts holding the springs in place; you may need to support the axle of the vehicle as you do this.
5. Verify that the spring compressor tools are still exerting even pressure on the springs. Tighten them further, a few turns of the bolt-screw at a time on alternating sides so that the pressure stays even, until the spring is sufficiently compressed to remove it from the vehicle.